How to house Europe?
In our existing buildings!

The European Citizens' Initiative for Renovation → The European Citizens' Initiative for Renovation →

HouseEurope! advocates for EU-laws to make renovation more affordable, easy and social. Because the demolition of existing buildings is as outdated as food waste, fast fashion and single-use plastics. 

Our Goal
The Demolition Drama ↓ The Demolition Drama ↓ The Demolition Drama ↓ The Demolition Drama ↓ The Demolition Drama ↓

The Demolition Drama shows how the real estate industry harms our communities. It discusses how functioning buildings are demolished for new construction. This is a practice that prioritizes profit over people and overlooks renovation as a socially, sustainably, and economically beneficial alternative.

Watch the Full Version

How to make a change?
Through fair EU laws!

Let’s fix it ↓ Let’s fix it ↓ Let’s fix it ↓ Let’s fix it ↓ Let’s fix it ↓

We demand a Right to Reuse for existing buildings based on three key pillars: (I) tax reductions for renovation works and reused materials, (II) fair rules for the assessment of existing buildings, and (III) new values for the embedded CO2 in existing structures.

Boost Renovation ← Boost Renovation ← Boost Renovation ← Boost Renovation ← Boost Renovation ←

Renovation Atlas is a map of best practice cases on how to renovate and transform our existing buildings. Their goal is to ensure affordable living spaces and massively reduce CO2 emissions. We urgently need to recognize the value of our existing buildings and renovate!

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